Prevent caching of helper method

Hi, I have a helper method to get a date from a cookie (in application helper) that looks like this:

def getToday    if(cookies[:date])     cookies[:date].to_date   else   end end

I set the cooke date using a before_filter method in the application controller, reading a GET param:

before_filter :save_today_as_cookie

  def save_today_as_cookie

    if params[:d]       cookies.delete :date       cookies[:date] = {         :value => params[:d],         :expires => 1.hours.from_now       }     end   end

This works fine, but if I want to change the date by passing a new date parameter, I have to reload the page twice that it takes affect.

The cookie changes instantly. It seems to me, that the result of the helper function is cached for one more load. Setting expiring headers or etags did not help.

I'm using Rails 2.3.2 and no special cache plugin/gem/configuration.



It's not your helper function, it's the cookies method:


Ah, thanks for the hint. So I'll have to update the actionpack/lib/ action_controller/base/cookies.rb file, right?

Or what is the recommended way to fix problems in the rails core? (I'm pretty new to rails)



I mean is there a way to patch/overwrite this using a plugin or something? I don't want to touch the core classes, if not necessary.

You could just monkey patch it using the patch on that ticket as a guide.


Ah, I see. Thanks!