Post request by Java code for Rails application

Hi, i am trying to call my Rails app using Java code using Jersey

I m having 2 tables .

Blogposts (id,name,slug,desc) Comments (id,data,node_id,node_type)

I m trying to post a comment through my ruby code.

The Url for me is like http://localhost:3000/api/blogs/comment.xml?slug=blogtitle-0&comment=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

The one is tried is blogBean = objBlogWrapper.postComment(slug,comment);

public BlogBean postComment(String slug, String comment) {     System.out.println(slug+""+comment);     // Create a multivalued map to store the parameters to be send in the REST call     MultivaluedMap<String, String> newBlogParam = new MultivaluedMapImpl();     // newBlogParam.add("blogpost[slug]", slug);     // newBlogParam.add("comment[data]", comment);     newBlogParam.add("slug", slug);     newBlogParam.add("comment", comment);

    BlogBean blogBean = null;     try {         blogBean = webResource.path(ConfigurationUtil.POST_COMMENT).header(ConfigurationUtil.AUTHENTICATION_HEADER, authentication) .type(MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_TYPE).accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_TYPE).post(BlogBean.class, newBlogParam);

    }catch (UniformInterfaceException uie) {         if (uie.getResponse().getStatus() == 401) {             System.out.println("Can not authenticate user "+ConfigurationUtil.userName +                             ". Please check your username/password and try again." );         } else {             System.out.println("Error when trying to talk to app. " +                             "HTTP status code "+uie.getResponse().getStatus()+"returned. Finishing.");

        }         return null;     } catch (ClientHandlerException che) {         System.out.println("Error when trying to talk toapp. Network issues? " +                         "Please check the following message and try again later: "+che.getMessage());         return null;     }     return blogBean; }

where my ConfigurationUtil.POST_COMMENT="api/blogs/comment.xml";

The above doesnt show me any error nor the comment is posted ..

Please give suggestions.