"PHP Eats Rails for Breakfast"

Actually, here are a few interesting points from the RoR project page.

1. DHH seems to have written (or at least checked in) about 65% of the code himself. 2. Ohloh estimates that RoR should require about 18 man-years of effort to reproduce

So lets be conservative here and assume that DHH is responsible for 50% of the effort on rails. This means he personally has generated 9 man-years worth of code in the two years since the repository was created.

So somehow one person has managed to do the work of 4-5 coders in a single year. Do you suspect that might be because he drinks too much coffee or because he uses Ruby?

Note: Even if these numbers are off by a bit, he's been very productive compared to whatever standard they are using for determining how many LOC can be produced in one man-year.


Remember DHH is an “Alien of Extraordinary Ability” as far as the US is concerned :slight_smile:

http://www.loudthinking.com/arc/000522.html http://www.unh.edu/oiss/h_o_tn/o1/

Thats not a good test, LOC... we all know it takes 10 lines of PHP for 1 Ruby line :-P. Seriously though, I had to edit a PHP application recently, REALLY REALLY simple app. Could have been done with 2 controllers, 2 models, and about 6 Views, probably taking under 100 lines of Ruby. The application... was over 3500 LOC (the PHP code only, no HTML), no joke.

What a funny comparison.

It sort of like saying, almost everyone likes pop music, so you should like pop music too, and we don't need those other types of music.

Chris Gernon wrote:

There was another thread about this article here the other day: Ohloh.net - Rails - Ruby-Forum

I think Michael Houghton summed it up best: "Looking at all three graphs together you can say that a relatively steady percentage of rails developers is producing a disproportionate number of new projects in a relatively programmer-efficient language, while a fluctuating percentage of PHP developers are contributing more and more code to fewer projects over time."

-- Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

That's exactly my idea. What this shows is just the opposite "Rails eats PHP's breakfast, lunch and dinner." The old viewpoint is that the project is important, or complex, or (choose your adjective here) depending on the number of lines of code. In reality, this hasn't been a very good comparison for at least 15 or 20 years. The old 4GLs did away with this comparison. I suspect it started with assembly or COBOL and never grew past that.

The number of new projects in Ruby (Rails?) is exploding even though the number of lines is not. To me this is the important graph. Who cares about how many hours (and cups of coffee) you've put in? What I care about is how good is the result, and how quickly can I create it.

So, rather than looking at this report as a downer, I see it as an old-timer who just can't understand this new fangled music. And, btw, I'm an old-timer too. I just don't want to work as hard as I have in the past and that's what has brought me to Ruby and Rails.

Phil Mickelson