PDF Thumbnail screen in a page

Hi bro/sis,

Do you know the plugin to show the big icons of PDF (has attached as above) in the webpage? How to write a code? I am using paperclip and rails 3.1.x. Thank you bro/sis!!

Best regards, Joachim

Attachments: http://www.ruby-forum.com/attachment/6927/PDF_thumbnail.jpg

Hi Joachim,

Hope you doing Good.

Well, Myself also cross-over a same situation like this.

You can use the jquery to get that PDF symbols in site. Hope it will resolve your Problem.

If you really want to know more about ruby on rails then click the following.

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Have a nice day.

Regards Daniel Jackson

Joachim Cheng wrote in post #1042003:

Hi bro/sis,

Do you know the plugin to show the big icons of PDF (has attached as above) in the webpage? How to write a code? I am using paperclip and rails 3.1.x. Thank you bro/sis!!

Best regards, Joachim

Someone help me??

If I’m no wrong… I’ve seen the same in the ActiveAdmin Demo … It may help you


Sorry they’re just only images …


To do that the only thing you need to do is add this line on your model

has_attached_file :pdf, :styles { :thumb => “100×200#” }

there is a dependency to make it works. You need to have in your environment machine ghostscript installed.

I hope you`ll find the solution.

those are some blog posts about this need.


pt-br http://blog.shadowmaru.org/2009/3/6/dica-rapida-thumbnail-de-pdf-no-paperclip

you can use google translator if you need!

please let us know if you fix this problem
