passing variables through session


I have a form with user details and credit card details.The user details are entering into 'user' table and credit card details are entering 'creditcard' table.As the user entered his personnel information and credit card details and click on submit button the page posts all the variables into next page where user can conform his details.By clicking on conform only the data are being entered into user table and creditcard table. I need to pass the information from one page to next as session varibles? can anyone please help me.

My code is like this in regiter_page(1stpage) <% form_for :user, @user, :url => {:controller => "users", :action => "register_paid_user" } do |user| %>             <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">                       <tr>                         <td width="35%"><img src="/images/inner-table/ payment-information.gif" alt="Payment Information" width="165" height="33" /></td>                         <td width="65%">&nbsp; &nbsp;</td>                       </tr>               </table>             <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="inner_tablemrg">                       <tr>                         <th width="35%" class="left">User Information</

                        <th width="65%">&nbsp; </th>                       </tr>                       <tr>                         <td width="35%" class="dark_left">First Name:</

                        <td width="65%" class="dark"><%= user.text_field :first_name, :class => "formfield", :size => "20" %></

                      </tr>                       <tr>                         <td width="35%" class="left">Last Name:</td>                         <td width="65%" class="dark"><%= user.text_field :last_name, :class => "formfield", :size => "20" %> </

                      </tr>                       <tr>                         <td width="35%" class="dark_left">Email Address:</td>                         <td width="65%" class="dark"><%= user.text_field :email, :class => "formfield", :size => "20" %></td>                       </tr>

              </table>             <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="inner_tablemrg">                       <tr>                         <th width="35%" class="left">Billing Name and Address</th>                         <th width="65%">&nbsp; </th>                       </tr>                       <tr>                         <td width="35%" class="dark_left">Billing Name:</td>                         <td width="65%" class="dark"><%= user.text_field :billing_name, :class => "formfield", :size => "30" %></td>                       </tr>                       <tr>                         <td width="35%" class="left">Billing Address:</

                        <td width="65%"><%= user.text_field :address_line1, :class => "formfield", :size => "30" %></td>                       </tr>                       <tr>                         <td width="35%" class="dark_left">Billing Address 2:</td>                         <td width="65%" class="dark"><%= user.text_field :address_line2, :class => "formfield", :size => "30" %></td>                       </tr>                       <tr>                         <td width="35%" class="left">City, State/ Province and Postal Code:</td>                         <td width="65%"><%= user.text_field :city, :class => "formfield", :size => "20" %>                           <%= user.text_field :state, :class => "formfield", :size => "10" %>                           <%= user.text_field :zip_code, :class => "formfield", :size => "5" %></td>                       </tr>                       <tr>                         <td width="35%" class="dark_left">Country:</

                        <td width="65%" class="dark">                           <%= user.country_select :country, ["United States"], :size => "10" %></select></td>            </tr>                 </table>

          <%= render :partial => "credit_card_details" %>            <% hidden_field_tag "plan_type", @plan_type %>

              <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="inner_tablemrg_clear">                       <tr>                         <td width="35%" class="left">&nbsp; &nbsp;</

                        <td width="65%">           <%= image_submit_tag "/images/buttons/button-review- subscription.gif", {:alt => "Review Subscription"} %>           (<a href="purchase_review">link</a>)</td>                       </tr>                   </table>         </div>     <% end %> partial of the page

<% @user_cards = @user.user_cards %> <% @user_cards.each do |c| %>   <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="inner_tablemrg">       <tr>   <% fields_for "user[user_card_attributes]", c do |user_card|%>         <th width="35%" class="left">Credit Card Details</th>         <th width="65%">&nbsp; </th>       </tr>     <tr>         <td width="35%" class="dark_left">Credit Card Type:</td>         <td width="65%" class="dark"><%= user_card.text_field :type,:class => "formfield", :size => "20", :index => 0 %> </td>       </tr>       <tr>         <td width="35%" class="left">Card Number:</td>         <td width="65%" class="dark"><%= user_card.text_field :cc_number, :class => "formfield", :size => "20",:index => 0 %> </td>       </tr>       <tr>         <td width="35%" class="dark_left">Expiration Date:</td>

          </td>       </tr>       <tr>         <td width="35%" class="left">Security Code:</td>          <td width="65%" class="dark"><%= user_card.text_field :short_cc_number, :class => "formfield", :size => "20", :index => 0 %> </td>       </tr>     </table> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="inner_tablemrg">       <tr>         <th class="left">Terms &amp; Conditions</th>       </tr>       <tr>         <td class="dark_left"><textarea name="textarea" cols="100" rows="4" wrap="virtual" class="formfield_small">Terms and conditions...</textarea></td>       </tr>       <tr>         <td class="left"><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="checkbox" />         I hereby agree to the above Terms and Conditions</td>       </tr>     </table>   <% end %><% end %>

my controller

def register_paid_user     @user = current_user   session[:user] = params[:user]   render :action => "register-purchase-review" end

display page

<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="inner_tablemrg">                           <tr>                             <th width="35%" class="left">User Information</th>                             <th width="65%"><img src="/images/icons- shlm/edit.gif" alt="Edit" width="11" height="12" class="icon_middle" /

<a href="register_plan_type_payment">Change This</a></th>

                          </tr>                           <tr>                             <td width="35%" valign="top" class="left">User Details:</td>                             <td width="65%" valign="top">< %=@user.first_name%>&nbsp;<%=@user.last_name%><br />                             <> <br />

                          </tr>                         </table>             <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="inner_tablemrg">                           <tr>                             <th width="35%" class="left">Billing Name and Address</th>                             <th width="65%"><img src="/images/icons- shlm/edit.gif" alt="Edit" width="11" height="12" class="icon_middle" /

<a href="register_plan_type_payment">Change This</a></th>

                          </tr>                           <tr>                             <td width="35%" valign="top" class="left">Billing Details:</td>                             <td width="65%" valign="top">< %=session[:user][:billing_name]%><br />                            <%=session[:user][:address_line1]%>                             <%=session[:user][:address_line2]%><br />                             <%=session[:user][:city]%>&nbsp;< %=session[:user][:state]%>&nbsp;<%=session[:user][:zip_code]%><br />                            <%=session[:user][:country]%> </td>                           </tr>                         </table>             <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="inner_tablemrg">                           <tr>                             <th width="35%" class="left">Credit Card Details</th>                             <th width="65%"><img src="/images/icons- shlm/edit.gif" alt="Edit" width="11" height="12" class="icon_middle" /

<a href="register_plan_type_payment">Change This</a></th>

                          </tr>                           <tr>                             <td width="35%" valign="top" class="left">Card Number:</td>                             <td width="65%" valign="top">< %=session[:user][:type]%><br />                            <br />                               </td>                           </tr>                         </table>