Passing data from action of cntrlr 1 to action of cntrlr 2

The question is about passing data from action of one controller to action of another controller.

Inside the new_patient_controller i have the following code when the button "next" is clicked

    def create_visit (created_patient) redirect_to(:controller=>"patient_visit",:action=>"index",:created_patient=>created_patient)    end

This is suppose to call the index view of the "patient_visit" controller .

Now the "patient_visit" controller has the following form

   1. <% form_for :patient_visit , :url => { :action => :save_patient_visit } do |form| %>    2.    3. <p>    4. <%= label :patient_visit , :complaints , "Complaints:" %>    5. <%= form.text_area :complaints , :size => 20 %>    6. </p>    7.    8. <p>    9. <%= label :patient_visit , :systemic_history , "Systemic History:" %>   10. <%= form.text_field :systemic_history , :size => 40 %>   11. </p>   12.   13. <p>   14. <%= label :patient_visit , :opthal_history , "Opthal History:" %>   15. <%= form.text_field :opthal_history , :size => 40 %>   16. </p>   17.   18. <%= submit_tag "next" , :class => "submit" %>   19.   20. <%end%>

Because of this the params which originally had the value of "created_patient" now gets overwritten with the new params which has the value of ":patient_visit" .

I need the created_patient value , cause i need to attach the patient_visit database entry to the created_patient. ( since one patient has many visits )

Use the flash object to transfer data between controller actions.

Regards, Mukund

... or just add

  , :created_patient => params[:created_patient]

to your form (where you specify the action that is called) so your param ain't lost.

you can transmit values between controllers in the following ways: - parameters to request (if not too long and not compromising security) - session (recommended to store id, not objects)

Try something like:

  def create_visit(for_patient)     # This populates patient_visit.patient_id w/the proper id value     patient_visit =     # Note that I've changed the action from index to new--that's     # the convention for actions that create new objects.     redirect_to(:controller=>"patient_visit", :action=>"new")   end

And then in your view, you add:

  <%= form.hidden_field(:patient_id) %>

Anyplace inside your form_for block.

That should get you a params[:patient_visit] from which you can create a visit for a specific patient.

