Passing aariable from controller to a different view ????

Hi Guys,

I am still very new to this rails stuff so I'm looking for some help. I have a login controller which authenticates a person and redirects them to the projects page, here is a snippet of code.

Use restful authentication (or a similar plugin) for tracking that
kind of stuff:

Ryan Bigg wrote:

Use restful authentication (or a similar plugin) for tracking that kind of stuff: ----- Ryan Bigg Freelancer

Couldnt I just do the following... in my projects controller?

before_filter :find_projects

def index   # @projects = Project.find(:all)   # @project_company = @projects.company_id     @projects = @results.find(:all)

    respond_to do |format|       format.html # index.html.erb       format.xml { render :xml => @projects }     end   end

def find_projects     @user_in = Person.find_by_id(session["user_id"])     @company = Company.find_by_id(@user_in.company_id)     @results = Company.find( # Find all projects that belong to company   end