params[:id] not working

Hey all,

I have two problems with this code. First, regardless of what option I select from the dropdown menu, it only updates the record with id 1, and second even if I just refresh the page, it still updates the record of id 1. I basically just want to update the record that the user picks from dropdown menu. But params[:id] is not doing the trick:

User Requests Controller:

  def confirm
    x =     @user_requests = UserRequest.find(:all, :conditions => ["location_id = ?", x])        if @user_request = UserRequest.find(params[:id])          update_confirm         end   end

  def update_confirm     @user_request.creator_id =   end end

confirm.erb form: <% form_for(:user_request, :url => {:action => :confirm}) do %>     Request: <%= select_tag(:id, options_from_collection_for_select(@user_requests, :id, :request_status_id)) %> <br />    Password: <%= password_field_tag :password %> <br />    <%= submit_tag 'Confirm Request' %> <% end %>

routes:   map.resources :user_requests, :member => {:confirm => :any}

For this part right here: if @user_request = UserRequest.find(params[:id]) I would like to say something along the lines of if you have selected an option from the dropdown menu, then we capture it before updating. Any suggestions? Thanks.