paperclip unit testing


Rails 2.3.2, paperclip

How can I unit test my model that has a paperclip attachment?

I add to my model:

--- CODE START --- has_attached_file :image, :default_url => '' attr_protected :image_file_name, :image_content_type, :image_image_size --- CODE END ---

Than I type a UNIT test:

--- CODE START ---{:image =>'test/fixtures/img/an_image.gif')}) --- CODE END ---

This works fine until... in that model I have a validator that accesses the "image" attribute:

--- CODE START --- image.path --- CODE END ---

But there is no image under that path, since it points to RAILS_ROOT/public/system/images/... What should I do now?

Yep, you actually need to upload the picture actually.

  Take a look at the following code snippet I wrote some time back, for uploading image, resizing. (Ignore the code which is for image cropping)

Thanks Srinivas


How do you process the image in the model?

Before the save of the model object to database I want to add another image to it, that is a modified version of the "image" attribute.

I do:   has_attached_file :image   has_attached_file :image2   after_validation :prepare_image2

And:   def cprepare_image2    (...)    path = image.queued_for_write[:original].path    self.image2 = some_rmagic_processing(path)    (...)   end

Is there any other way to access the uploaded image? "image.queued_for_write[:original].path" does not look nice :confused:

May be use an other callback?