Not existing website

Hello, I've got the following problem, I hope someone can help me.

The following code doesn't work properly:

<% form_for :loesungen, @loesungen, :url => {:controller => 'spiel', :action => 'loesung_auswerten'}, :html => { :onsubmit => "return istFertig(this)"} do |f| %>

loesungen is an array of models. loesung_auswerten is a function in the spiel_controller. The problem is, the program should enter the function 'loesung_auswerten', but it doesn't. Instead, it tries to show a webpage, called 'loesung_auswerten' and says, that the page doesn't exist. Sorry, if I explained it too unclearly, hope someone has an idea what could be wrong...

what's the generated html ?


Frederick Cheung wrote:

what's the generated html ?


What do you mean by generated html?

It just says: HTTP 500 The website cannot display the page

From your description of the problem it sounded like submitting the form is the problem, so the html for that form might be informative. also check your routes
