no record or else error:disk image is malformed

i have database file name tel-directory.sqlite and its text file in db folder so i went to config/database.yaml changed it to db/tel-directory.sqlite in development then create a model telephone_records skipping migration then i configured controller and its view but i get something no table found telephone_records i used sqlite manager i get records tough when i go and check tel-directory file.sqlite with 0kb is created what is going wrong i am not getting it. so i decided to copy th contents from old datbase to new datbase file it display disk image is malformed can you suggest me what are changes i must do to display all the record in the browser.

        development:         adapter: sqlite3         database: db/tel-directory.sqlite3         pool: 5         timeout: 5000


        class TelephoneRecords < ActiveRecord::Base         # attr_accessible :title, :body         end

        controller         class TelephoneController < ApplicationController         def index         @telephone_records = TelephoneRecords.all         end         end


        <%= debug(@telephone_records)%>

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i have database file name tel-directory.sqlite and its text file in db folder so i went to config/database.yaml changed it to

The config file is .yml not .yaml

db/tel-directory.sqlite in development then create a model telephone_records skipping migration then i configured controller and its view but i get something no table found telephone_records i used sqlite manager i get records tough when i go and check tel-directory file.sqlite with 0kb is created what is going wrong i am not getting it. so i decided to copy th contents from old datbase to new datbase file it display disk image is malformed can you suggest me what are changes i must do to display all the record in the browser.

   adapter: sqlite3
   database: db/tel\-directory\.sqlite3

That says .sqlite3, you say above that it is actually .sqlite
