Newbiw - How do I concate?

I've found this nifty rFacebook tutorial and I'm so excited about learning to use Ruby on Rails.

However, I am stuck.

For the experienced, this may seem waaay simple. If it does seem obvious to you, please reply with help!

THis is what the tutorial says:

create some models. We are keeping this application very simple for demo purposes so just a recipe and a comment model needed. (you will need to concate these lines properly)

ruby script/generate model Recipe (This went smoothly) title:string summary:text ingredients:text instructions:text <<<<<this is my prob! cooking_time:string created_at:datetime updated_at:datetime<<<<<< my problem prob!

ruby script/generate model Comment recipe_id:integer body:text created_at:datetime updated_at:datetime<< No idea...

I know the "title:string" parts are part of the parameters for storing recipe info.

WHERE DO I ENTER THIS INFO??? Is this another line I have to enter into Putty? If I need to edit a file to enter these parameters, where do I do this? I'm a little lost on how to concat in Ruby.

I think you're overcomplicating things :slight_smile: The tutorial is just saying that you need to enter

ruby script/generate model Recipe title:string summary:text ingredients:text instructions:text cooking_time:string created_at:datetime updated_at:datetime on one line in the console, even they've displayed it with linebreaks (so that the webpage formats ok). Fred

Frederick Cheung wrote:

I think you're overcomplicating things :slight_smile: The tutorial is just saying that you need to enter

ruby script/generate model Recipe title:string summary:text ingredients:text instructions:text cooking_time:string created_at:datetime updated_at:datetime on one line in the console, even they've displayed it with linebreaks (so that the webpage formats ok). Fred

whew OK! fixed that! awesome! i kinda thought i was overanalyzing things, and that really helped a lot!