newbie needs advise: from prawnto to htmldoc (googlemaps)

hi, i used to utilize prawnto, but due limitations i went on to htmldoc. basic problem (i hope):

this was working code in prawnto:

h = h[:pic_google_map]=" center=#{},#{@address.lng} &zoom=12&size=400x400&sensor=false" pdf.image open(h[:pic_google_map]) , :position => :center

now im trying this similar in htmldoc, but it always gives me an argumet-count error:

h = h[:pic_google_map]=" center=#{},#{@address.lng} &zoom=12&size=400x400&sensor=false" <%= pdf_image_tag2(h) %>

def pdf_image_tag2(image, options = {})   options[:src] = open(image[:pic_google_map])#File.expand_path(RAILS_ROOT) + '/public/ images/' + image   tag(:img, options) end

pls help
