I have two app in rails that communicate between net/http: In the first app controller is something like so:

    class WebservicesController < ApplicationController       require 'net/http'       require "uri"        layout 'admin'       def ws             uri = URI("http://localhost:3001/api/ws&quot;\)             response = Net::HTTP.post_form(uri, {'campaign_id' => '1'})             debugger              @res = response        respond_to do |format|           format.html         end       end     end

In the second app controller is like that:

    class ApiController < ApplicationController       def ws         begin                debugger                 req =Smsq.find_by_campaign_id(params[:campaign_id])                return req

        rescue Exception => exception               return "NOK : #{exception.message}"         end       end     end

But response return: `#<Net::HTTPOK:0x000000090ab708>`

But how can i get the result for this query

`Smsq.find_by_campaign_id(params[:campaign_id])` in my first app??

I have result when i try to the console.

Thank you