Need help to learn Webservices

Hi all, I want to learn webservices using soap4r gem. I have no idea what it is kindly help me to learn any good links . I am searching for good links to learn which gives clear information about webservices.

Thanks in advance Cheers, Khan

If you don’t know what web services are, please google, learn, and come back when you have a problem with soap4r.

Do not use soap4r.

use the "savon" gem. It is the best of the ruby SOAP related gems and has very good documentation.

(You said "want" to learn rather than "need" to learn so I am assuming you have a choice.)

Do not use soap4r.

use the "savon" gem. It is the best of the ruby SOAP related gems and has very good documentation.

But unless you are forced to use SOAP then don't. Use REST instead.
