Navigation Problems


I am having problems with my page. I have a banner and navigation bar in controller_name.rhtml in app/views/layout. Can someone please help? Thanks

In the navigation bar, I have the following links:

Category1   Sub-Category1   Sub-Category2   Sub-Category3   Sub-Category4   Sub-Category5   Sub-Category6

In the main content, I have the following links:

  Sub-Category1 edit delete   Sub-Category2 edit delete   Sub-Category3 edit delete   Sub-Category4 edit delete   Sub-Category5 edit delete   Sub-Category6 edit delete

When I click the Sub_Category link in either the navigation bar or the main content, I should be directed to another page where the Sub-Category's children will be shown. But instead I have these errors:

NoMethodError in SubCategory#read undefined method `each' for #<SubCategory:0x351c414>

  <div class="mH" onClick="toggleMenu('menu1')"><a href="#">+ AMD</a></div> 23: 24: <div id="menu1" class="mL"> 25: <% @subcategory.each do |p| %> 26: <%= link_to, { :controller => "subsubcat", :action => "subsubcat_list", :id => } %> 27: <br/><% end %> 28: </div>

The following are my rhtml

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

"; >



<title>IGMON Webnav</title>

<%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>

<%= stylesheet_link_tag "style", "scaffold" , "depot" , :media => "all" %>


<body id="category" >

<div id="banner" >

<img src="/images/logo.png" />

<%= @page_title || "Show Sub-Category" %>


<div id="columns" >

<div id="side" >

<td style="height: 500px; width: 140px;"> <a href="/profile">Profile Manager<br>


      <div class="mC">

      <div class="mH" onClick="toggleMenu('menu1')"><a href="#">+ AMD</a></div>

<div id="menu1" class="mL">

<% @subcategory.each do |p| %>

<%= link_to, { :controller => "subsubcat", :action => "subsubcat_list", :id => } %>

<br/><% end %>




<div id="main" >

<% if flash[:notice] -%>

<div id="notice" ><%= flash[:notice] %></div>

<% end -%>

<%= yield :layout %>





<b><u>List of Sub-Categories</u></b><p>

<table border="1px">

<% @subcategory.each do |p| %>

<tr class="content">

<td style="width: 190px; height: 8px;colspan="1" rowspan="1"><%= link_to, { :action => "read", :id => } %></td>

<td style="width: 240px; height: 8px;colspan="1" rowspan="1"><%= p.last_updated %></td>

<td style="width: 50px; height: 8px;colspan="1" rowspan="1"><%= link_to "Copy", { :action => "copy", :id =>} %></td>

<td style="width: 50px; height: 8px;colspan="1" rowspan="1"><%= link_to "Delete", { :action => "delete", :id =>}, {:post => true, :confirm => 'Are you sure you want to delete?'} %></td>

<td style="width: 70px; height: 8px;colspan="1" rowspan="1"><%= link_to "Add pass", {:controller => "pass", :action => "pass", :id =>} %><br/></td>


<% end %>



<%= button_to "Add Sub-Category", :action => :new, :id => :new %>

Does your error give you more information about which file (and which line) is causing the error? My first impression is that you're not setting the @subcategory (wouldn't @subcategories make more sense?) instance variable for one of your two views. Also, it looks like you're using @subcategory to hold the subcategories of your main categories in categories.rhtml, but based on what you said about what you expect to see in SubCategory.rhtml (unusual naming), you're using the same variable (@subcategory) to hold the subcategories of the subcategory. It's all pretty confusing...

See if you can extract more info about exactly where the error is occurring. It's already telling you that @subcategory.each is a problem, so narrow it down from there.
