Mysql2::Error: This connection is still waiting for a result, try again once you have the result


Last night I got a slew (around 2000) of these exceptions raised in my production app between 4:03 AM and 7:30 AM (eastern time).

They all had the same pattern:

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql2::Error: This connection is still waiting for a result, try again once you have the result: SELECT spree_buckets.* FROM spree_buckets WHERE spree_buckets.slug = ‘gallery’ LIMIT 1

(The SQL query was different for many, but the Mysql2::Error: This connection is still waiting for a result, try again once you have the result part was the same)

I called Amazon RDS support and they said the underlying database looked fine, we are well below our IOPS threshold, and our queue depth looks healthy.

I think perhaps just 1 Unicorn worker choked up with a single MySQL call, resulting in all subsequent calls from that Unicorn worker to produce this error (for 3 hours!)

Does anyone else have any best practice advice for this error? Should I simply catch for this exception and close & reconnect any active MySQL connections ? Can someone share some examples of how to do that as cleanly as possible?



We encountered this exactly same problem this night. We’ve also called AWS and they gave us the same answer: everything looks fine on your instance.

We have several applications using this same database, they all worked fined except one. So It really looks like a problem in either mysql2 or unicorn.

Did you manage to find an explanation? And maybe a solution? For the moment we have just restarted the application and everything is back to normal.

