
i am wondering about the MVC pattern, I havent worked with that for a long time and before I break it I would like to ask your advice...

if I have a birthday calender visible in nearly every view where would I put the controller? I was thinking about putting the method it into application controller.. but how do you call that from the view?

Thanks, Philipp

could you explain the birthday calendar method a little better?


so the solution is, just for everyone else facing the same proplems, (at least I hope):

Write a helper method

def birthday_helper (number_of_resutls)     costumers_with_upcoming_birhtday = Costumer.find_near_birthday     costumers_with_upcoming_birhtday= costumers_with_upcoming_birhtday [0..number_of_resutls] end

and then call it from the view

<% birthday_helper(10).each do |costumer| %> <tr> <td><%=link_to costumer.last_name, costumer %></td> <td><%=link_to costumer.birthday, costumer %></td> <br /> </tr> <% end %>

Thanks for the help!

You might take note that there are a lot of misspellings of "birthday" (birhtday), so this code won't run, but you've probably already noticed that.

Also, why not make use of a named scope with a parameter instead of a helper? Such as:

class Customer    named_scope :upcoming_birthdays, lambda { |number_of_results|       {   :conditions => { ['your conditions for nearing birthdays'] },   :limit => number_of_results       }    } end

Then in any controller, view or runner you could do Customer.upcoming_birthdays(10)



I did end up making a named scope. This feature is really nice!

Thanks guys, really helped me a lot!