Multiple controller with associated view calling Application Helper to get image path... not working

SORRY about the previous… How does one edit here after POST?

Working with Rails 3.0

From numerous controllers with associated views, I need to display images.

In the views to retrieve an images I have:

<img src="<%= get_image_path(@object.image_file_name) %> />

I have also used the Rails <img src counterpart…

get_image_path is defined in the Application helper:

module ApplicationHelper def get_image_path(sought_image_file_name)

return_string = ''
unless sought_image_file_name.blank?    ## although I do testing for blank?  image_file_name in the erb view
  return_string = "#{Rails.application.root}/public/images/item_images/" + sought_image_file_name
  ### Have tried return_string "../public and "./public and these have not worked
return return_string

end …

But I keep getting the error:

Started GET “/home/echomarket/” for …

ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches “/home/echomarket/”):

The file definitely exists in that path, per FIleZilla and Putty

I do not understand the tie between routes.rb and multiple controllers…



SORRY about the previous.... How does one edit here after POST?

This is a mailing list (even if you are looking at it through one of the many Web interfaces), and you can't edit mail after you send it.

Working with Rails 3.0

From numerous controllers with associated views, I need to display images.

In the views to retrieve an images I have:

<img src="<%= get_image_path(@object.image_file_name) %> />

I have also used the Rails <img src counterpart...

get_image_path is defined in the Application helper:

module ApplicationHelper   def get_image_path(sought_image_file_name)

    return_string = ''     unless sought_image_file_name.blank? ## although I do testing for blank? image_file_name in the erb view       return_string = "#{Rails.application.root}/public/images/item_images/" + sought_image_file_name       ### Have tried return_string "../public and "./public and these have not worked     end     return return_string   end ...

But I keep getting the error:

Started GET "/home/echomarket/" for ...

ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "/home/echomarket/"):

The file definitely exists in that path, per FIleZilla and Putty

When you are trying to access a file through a Web browser, you need a **web root**-relative path, not a **filesystem root**-relative path. The web root path to a static file begins at public, so any file that exists in the your-project-folder/public folder would be at /.

This file:


Would have this URL (assuming you were accessing it from

The Rails.root starting point is only needed if you are trying to access the file directly from your server on its filesystem using or similar.



Thank you very much…

It was not apparent to me this this group was an email group… Now I understand. When I first discovered this site I understood it as a forum…

Anyway… You have totally helped me. My Application Helper now reads:

def get_image_path(sought_image_file_name)

return_string = ''
unless sought_image_file_name.blank?
  return_string = "/images/item_images/" + sought_image_file_name


I tested it several times and it is now working…

I thank you very much…
