multiple associations in select list not working

I would like to generate a select list from multiple associations. Do not know what the problem is. Hope anyone can help.

the code below gives me a: "You have a nil object when you didn't expect it! The error occurred while evaluating nil.filename"

----------in the controller---------- @skinType = Furni.find(:all, :include =>[:imageasset => {:skin => [:skintype, :skinstyle]}]).map {|st| [st.imageasset. filename,] }

------ in the view ------

<% form_tag( 'list') do %> <%= select_tag :skin, options_for_select(["View-All"]+@skinType, @skintype_id.to_i), :onChange => "location.href=''+options[selectedIndex].value&quot; %> <% end %>

I would like to generate a select list from multiple associations. Do not know what the problem is. Hope anyone can help.

the code below gives me a: "You have a nil object when you didn't expect it! The error occurred while evaluating nil.filename"

----------in the controller---------- @skinType = Furni.find(:all, :include =>[:imageasset => {:skin => [:skintype, :skinstyle]}]).map {|st| [st.imageasset. filename,] }

It's telling you that there is a Furni whose imageasset is nil.
