Have you read the URL page that I've posted?
Yes. IIRC, the OP complained that Rails worked perfectly from his
browser, but when using some testing software, the results were not
the same.
If so, how come you don't understand what the author of the page and
I've described?
You didn't describe anything - you said "Each part of a
multipart/form-data is supposed to have a content-type." and as far as
I can see when I run a form post, it does.
Have you checked the raw packet carefully?
No - why would I want to?! That's what I'm abstracting stuff to Rails for.
Okay it's good for me.
I don't know Ruby and I don't even want to know Ruby/Rails, and since
Rails seems doesn't understand the form-data I've asked help to this
community, but enough is enough.
Rails *does* understand the form as far as I can see. There seems to
be a problem with the implementation of the form by the testing
software. Hardly Rails' fault!
I've customized JMeter by myself to go to forward my task.
Right - you fixed what was wrong, That's good to hear... there was
nothing wrong with the Rails app...
Now I don't need help from Rails community.
Because you didn't have a Rails problem.
BTW Did *you* read RFC 2388 rather than just punting on the assertions
from the Stackoverflow post? I quote: "As with all multipart MIME
types, each part has an optional 'Content-Type'". Optional....