Moving belongs_to object to different association

I have two AR models in a one-to-many relationship.

class Feed < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :channel, :counter_cache => true end

class Channel   has_many :feeds end

I need to move a feed to a different channel. This works, except the feeds_counter cache is not changed for the 'to' channel. What do I need to do differently?

old_channel = ... new_channel = ...

f = old_channel.feeds[0] old_channel.feeds.delete(f) new_channel.feeds << f

Initially, there is one feed in each channel. old_channel.feeds_count is zero (Yeah!), but new_channel.feeds_count is still one (Boo!).

What to do differently?

TIA,   Jeffrey

does = new_channel

work better ?


Quoting Frederick Cheung <>:

> > Initially, there is one feed in each channel. old_channel.feeds_count is zero > (Yeah!), but new_channel.feeds_count is still one (Boo!). >

does = new_channel

work better ?


Fred,   Duh, smacks forehead. It is certainly simpler.

Yes it does work. Thank you very much. Too much seeing the single tree blocking my path and missing the paved road right next to it.

Thank you,   Jeffrey