Module that adds same class & instance methods

I am writing a plugin that adds similar methods to a class and instances of that class. It is mostly a convenience and exercise to me.

The idea behind the module is to tell the model what the name of its icon should be. This way I can call

class MyModel << AR::Base   has_icons "flower" end

<%= image_tag "/images/#{@my_model.icon_edit}.png" %>

and get an image tag for /images/flower_edit.png

Sometimes I don't have an instance of MyModel so I want to be able to call EG: MyModel.icon_add

The code is here

but there is something wrong when I use it in conjunction with RedCloth before_save pre-processing.

class Script < ActiveRecord::Base

  before_save :transform_intro



  def transform_intro     unless intro_plain.blank?       self.intro =, "filter_html" ).to_html     end   end


0 malfunction % ./script/console Loading development environment (Rails 2.1.0)


=> "script_add"

s =

=> #<Script id: nil, creator: "", codebase: "", intro_plain: nil, intro: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>


=> "script_add"

s = :intro_plain => "Hi there" )

ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)         from (irb):1:in `initialize'         from (irb):1:in `new'         from (irb):1

Can anyone help me out with the module or my initialize method.

Thanks, --Dean

Dean wrote:

s = :intro_plain => "Hi there" )

ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)         from (irb):1:in `initialize'         from (irb):1:in `new'         from (irb):1

Can anyone help me out with the module or my initialize method.

All you should need is:

   def initialize(attributes = nil)      super      # Add SharedMethods to the instance      self.extend HasIcons::SharedMethods    end

Thanks Mark. Overlooked that constructor.
