Missing template with auto completion


I'm trying to find out why this method, which does not seem to require a separate template, does give errors on it. Visually the site seems perfect, but that's not always a guarantee of course.

This is the method (stripped from implementation specific details):

  def auto_complete_for_assignment_studentnumber     if ((params[:assignment][:studentnumber]).length > 3)       @results = ApplicationController.ldap_search(...).gsub(" ", "*") }*", ["somefields])       render :inline => "<ul><% for student in @results %><li><%= student['name'] %> ...</li><% end %></ul>"     end   end

this is the call in the view:

          <tr>             <td>               <%= text_field_with_auto_complete 'assignment', 'studentnumber', { 'size' => 50, 'value' => '' }, :indicator => "spinner" %>             </td>           </tr>

The error I get:

A ActionController::MissingTemplate occurred in assignments#auto_complete_for_assignment_studentnumber:

Missing template /path_to/public/../config/../app/views/assignments/auto_complete_for_assignment_studentnumber.rhtml /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.12.5/lib/action_controller/base.rb:1034:in `assert_existence_of_template_file'

Any ideas here? Is the if statement the problem?

Regards, Bart