migrate rails project from 1.1.6 to 2.2.2

You may also find this helpful:


Especially with links to the release notes to find out what has changed across versions.

Cheers, Nicholas

Nicholas Henry wrote:

You may also find this helpful:
Especially with links to the release notes to find out what has
changed across versions.
Thank you Marnen.... I am following the same steps. I am directly
upgrading to rails 2.2.2
Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

A useful thing I found when I just completed (mostly) the same trip was to create a dummy project (rails -d mysql tst) using the version of rails I wanted to go to. I was then able to compare the config files one by one to see what had changed. There are a lot of changes in config files in that jump and the changes are not automaticly made by the rake task. You will have to go in and see how each file changed and decide what you want to do. In a lot of the cases you will just replace your current version of the file with a copy of the later version. In some cases you will have some reason to do differently just make sure you understand what the differences are and why you want what you want. It is not a rote task!


1. acts_as_tree as tree has been move to a separate plugin, you will need to install this:


2. I wouldn't expect you to have any issues with upgrading to Prototype. Do you have much custom javascript code using Prototype?

Cheers, Nicholas

Thanks for your reply Nicholas,

Now the only problem I am facing in my application is "form_remote_tag"

How to use form_remote_tag in 2.2.2

I am trying to use it in this way in 2.2.2

<%= form_remote_tag({:url => {:controller => 'some_controller',                               :action => 'some_action'},                               :update => 'some_div',                               :loading => "Effect.Appear('indicator');",                               :complete => "Effect.Fade('indicator');",                               :html => {:id => 'some_id' }                           }) do %>

-----------------All Text fields & checkboxes etc etc.................


before it was (in 1.1.6)

<%= form_remote_tag({:url => {:controller => 'some_controller',                               :action => 'some_action'},                               :update => 'some_div',                               :loading => "Effect.Appear('indicator');",                               :complete => "Effect.Fade('indicator');",                               :html => {:id => 'some_id' }                           }) %>

-----------------All Text fields & checkboxes etc etc.................


Please help me to use form_remote_tag in rails 2.2.2

Thanks in advance, Raju