I have a Study model that has several fields, but to mention a few (or
that ones that I'm having troubles with) are
- profesion_related
- profesion_name
I have this in my controller
def create
@study = Study.new(params[:study])
respond_to do |format|
if @study.save#code here
#more code here
and in my model
class Study < AR....
#there are other attr_accessible but just wanted to show this
attr_accessible :profesion_related
attr_accessor :profesion_related
def profesion_related=(id)
profesion_parent = Profesion.find(id)
######below here the last attribute is the one that is empty
new_profesion = Profesion.create({m_code: profesion_parent.m_code,
g_code: profesion_parent.g_code, name: self.profesion_name})
I'm getting an error there because self.profesion_name is empty, but
in my log I see that it's being sent and also if I put in my create
I can see that the object @study has every single attribute filled,
but inside the profesion_related method in my model, the
self.profesion_name is empty
What could be wrong with this?
Hope someone can help me
It’s possible that the profesion_name is not set yet – you might want to consider creating the Profesion model in a before_save callback. I suspect there are some issues with how this is model, but hopeful this suggestion will get you moving foward.
I'm getting an error there because self.profesion_name is empty, but
in my log I see that it's being sent and also if I put in my create
@study = Study\.new\(params\[:study\]
-> puts @study.to_yaml
I can see that the object @study has every single attribute filled,
but inside the profesion_related method in my model, the
self.profesion_name is empty
What could be wrong with this?
Hope someone can help
An activerecord object's initialize method basically does
attributes.each do |attr_name, value |
send("#{attr_name}=", value)
So at some point it will call self.profession_name = and at some point
it will call self.profession_related but there's no particular order
that is is guaranteed to happen in (on ruby 1.9 I wouldn't be
surprised if it was the order of the fields on the page)
You might want to consider building the profession either outside of
new entirely or in a callback. It's also possible that how you've
modelled it is making it more complicated than it has to be but it's
hard to tell that from here.
In the end I made a before_validation callback and inside that I'm using
the virtual attribute, but I'm still wondering how AR order the list of
I started here
I'm not sure where should I go next. Hope somebody can guide me
IMHO AR lists the attributes as it receives them from schema and any virtual attributes from the model. This is because attributes is a hash, and Ruby 1.9 maintains the key order in a hash.
If your code depends on the order of attributes defined, it’s definitely a smell.
In the end I made a before_validation callback and inside that I'm using the
virtual attribute, but I'm still wondering how AR order the list of
Simple. First, all setter methods are called on AR, and I’m guessing profesion_related= was called the fourth, so only three attributes are filled. After all setter methods are called (which means all attributes are populated) the callbacks start, the first being the before_validation one, which shows you the entire AR object.
If that's the case... I'm not sure how to proceed then
I thought active record would set object attributes first, and then virtual
attributes or attr_writer methods
I'm doing this writer method because of this
def profesion_related=(value)
if value.to_i.to_s == value
#some code here if value is a number
#create a new profesion if is an string
#there's a select input that changes the type of the profesion_related
input in my form (between a select input and a text input
As far as I tried I can't retrieve profesion_related value in my
before_validation callback cause its a virtual attribute
You should be able to retrieve the value in the callback. If it isn’t, you’re doing something wrong. Make sure you remove your setters. Use just the callback. If it doesn’t work, gist your code.