I'm having problems not being able to get the MD5 digest from ruby to
match the digest from the md5sum command in the bash shell
is not producing the same hash as
echo "String" | md5sum
in the shell.
Am I missing something here?
Well, perhaps that echo is sending a newline following your String and you don't put that into the literal that you pass in ruby.
echo is either the shell built-in or the one from the operating system. Check your docs or just try it out to see how to avoid the newline.
md5 is the digest wrapper on MacOSX
dumper is my own hex display tool. Use `od` or `cat -vet` at your option.
:Users/rab $ echo "String" | dumper -
Record number 0:
0 5374 7269 6e67 0a |String.|
:Users/rab $ echo -e "String\n\c" | dumper -
Record number 0:
0 5374 7269 6e67 0a |String.|
:Users/rab $ echo "String" | md5
:Users/rab $ echo -e "String\n\c" | md5
:Users/rab $ irb
require 'digest/md5'
=> true
puts Digest::MD5.hexdigest("String\n")
=> nil
puts Digest::MD5.hexdigest("String")
=> nil
:Users/rab $ echo -e "String\c" | md5
:Users/rab $ echo -n "String" | md5
:Users/rab $ echo -n "String" | dumper -
Record number 0:
0 5374 7269 6e67 |String|
:Users/rab $ echo -e "String\c" | dumper -
Record number 0:
0 5374 7269 6e67 |String|
It all looks good from here!
Rob Biedenharn http://agileconsultingllc.com