match default verb

The default verb for match is :any. This means for:

  match 'dog/bark(/:num)' => 'dogs#bark' # get 3 barks   match 'dog/eat' => 'dogs#eat' # post breakfast

someone could post on dog/bark with :louder or get on dog/eat with :breakfast. This is annoying and messy, and definitely not RESTful.

In moving to Rails 3, I'm finding it better to use the verb instead of using match with :via => :verb:

  get 'dog/bark' => 'dogs#bark'   post 'dog/eat' => 'dogs#eat'

There is a lot of emphasis on match in the routing comments. Wouldn't it be better to either default to :via => :get for match or recommend verb methods over the match method?

I want to make sure I understand the differences too.

Thanks in advance, Mike