Master thesis topic on Ruby or ROR

Buyan wrote:

Hey fellows,

I am a novice to ruby and ror, but really addicted to it. As a graduate student, I need master thesis topic around Ruby aor ROR. Can anyone suggest some for me?


1) Convention over Configuration 2) Agile Development 3) Metaprogramming (more with less) 4) Monkeys with typewriters

If you tell us what your graduate studies are, maybe we can help you a little better :slight_smile:

Bayarbuyan Ulziit wrote:

Well, my curiosity is around:

- Mixing or Juxtaposition of Java and Ruby - Network, Distributed Programming with Ruby - Metaprogramming - Rapid development - Testing, Optimization of web applications on ROR

Looks like you have some potential topics there. Write about what you are interested in, you'll do a better job.

Hey Aldric Giacomoni, - What is "Monkeys with typewriters"?

Pay no attention to Aldric... he forgot the 'Flying' part...

Ar Chron wrote:

Looks like you have some potential topics there. Write about what you are interested in, you'll do a better job.


Hey Aldric Giacomoni, - What is "Monkeys with typewriters"?

Pay no attention to Aldric... he forgot the 'Flying' part...

*shy grin*