Mapping a virtual route to phpmyadmin with rails

I'm confused. Rails routes only map URLs that are passed to Rails to various controllers/actions. phpMyAdmin is not part of your Rails app. What exactly are you trying to accomplish?

If you have apache as your frontend you should setup a https virtualhost and put this in the vh

  <Location "/phpmyadmin">     AuthType Basic     AuthName "Restricted Site"     AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache2/conf/passwd/passwords     Require user username     Order allow,deny     Satisfy Any   </Location>

  alias /phpmyadmin /var/www/phpmyadmin   <Directory "/var/www/phpmyadmin">     Options FollowSymLinks     AllowOverride None     Order allow,deny     Allow from all   </Directory>

this will protect phpadmin and also encrypt any traffic to and from phpadmin. If you want to open phpadmin from your rails application just use link_to "phpadmin", "https://yourserver/phpmyadmin&quot;

heimdull wrote:

this will protect phpadmin and also encrypt any traffic to and from phpadmin. If you want to open phpadmin from your rails application just use link_to "phpadmin", "https://yourserver/phpmyadmin&quot;

thank you - this is the route I will go.