make neater code question

question <rails-mailing-list@...> writes:

Hi, i was wondering whether there was a better way to write something in this type of format:

def foo if x somefunction ..find(:all, :conditions => a + b + c + d) else samefunction   ..find(:all, :conditions => a + b + c) end end

into something a lot shorter like:

def foo somefunction find(:all, :condtions => a + b + c, :with_exclusive_scope?? => d ) end

I wrote a class a couple of days ago for just this kind of thing:

use it like:

def foo   conditions =   conditions << ["a = ?", a]   conditions << ["b = ?", b]   conditions << ["c = ?", c]   conditions << ["d = ?", d] if x

  find(:all, :conditions => conditions) end


Of course, there’s always pre-generation:

def foo conditions = a + b + c conditions += d if x somefuction find(:all, :conditions => conditions) end
