LSRC 2009: Don't Miss Your Chance To See Matz!


The 2009 Lone Star Ruby Conference is just around the corner and conference tickets are moving faster than small-town gossip.

This year you can choose from eleven training classes that are as fine as dollar cotton. LSRC training is covering some of the best and newest technologies in the Ruby community.

And, you will be as happy as a hog in mud to know that Matz is back again this year! (The segway was too much to resist!)

Come enjoy the fun, the food, the Ruby knowledge and your good friends at Lone Star Ruby Conference 2009.

We look forward to seeing you in August!

=TRAINING CLASSES Ruby Curious Adam Bair, Pradeep Elankumaran, Doug Ramsay

Second Gear thoughtbot

Moving to Ruby 1.9 Workshop James Edward Gray II, Dana Gray

Ruby Craftsmanship (Intermediate Level) Gregory Brown, Brad Ediger

Ruby Craftsmanship (Advanced Level) Gregory Brown, Brad Ediger

Advanced Git Tim Harper

Beginning Puppet Tim Harper

Rails 3 Deep Dive - What's coming and how to get ready Carl Lerche, Yehuda Katz

Beautiful Views: Cleaning Up the Messiest Part of Your Rails Apps Glenn Vanderburg

Hot Cocoa Rich Kilmer

Things You Really Shouldn't Do With Ruby But Can Eleanor McHugh

Check out the website for details