loop in rails view


@update_coupon = JSON.parse(get_updatecpn.body)


1, <% @update_coupon.each do |doc| %>

2, <% if doc[“value”] == 2 %>

3, <%end%>

Here the @update_coupon getting from controller,In the controller i got all the value from @update_coupon so i need to take the value from this**@update_coupon** in view. so when i am trying to take the value from the @update_coupon, it gives an error can’t convert string to integer in line 2

have any other way to do this view?

I don’t know if is the best solution but try a cast with to_i in doc[“value”].

doc[“value”] .to_i

Also, you could clean things a little by doing:

<% @update_coupon.select{|doc| doc[“value”] == 2}.each do |doc| %>

do stuff

<% end %>

Your condition should be one of these:

  • doc[“value”] == “2” / doc[“value”].eql?(“2”)

  • doc[“value”].to_i == 2 / doc[“value”].to_i.eql?(2)

Alternatively you might as well iterate through already selected items:

@update_coupon.select{ |q| q["value].eql?(‘2’) }each do |doc|

There are lots of ways of doing this to find your favourite.

Also, you could clean things a little by doing:

<% @update_coupon.select{|doc| doc[“value”] == 2}.each do |doc| %>

do stuff

<% end %>

Thanks all

i think the above one is working, but i am confused with other problem, here in my code

<% @update_coupon.each do |doc| %>

<% if doc[“value”] == 2 %>


<%elsif doc[“value”] == 5 %>


<%elsif doc[“value”] == 6 %>




so how to integrate with this @update_coupon.select{|doc| doc[“value”] == 2}.each do |doc| …?

What are you trying to achieve with that, exactly? Looks like grouping to me, in which case you might do in your controller:

@update_coupon = @update_coupon.group_by(&:value)

Assuming @update_coupon is an array of a class having a value attribute, that would return a hash much alike:


2 => [UC1, UC2…],

5 => [UC3, UC4…],


Once in your view you might iterate as follows:

@update_coupon.each do |key, val|

//code related to key, such as: 

<%= key%>

val.each do |update_coupon| // code related to each update_coupon end end

Also, you could clean things a little by doing:

<% @update_coupon.select{|doc| doc[“value”] == 2}.each do |doc| %>

do stuff

<% end %>

Thanks all

i think the above one is working, but i am confused with other problem, here in my code

<% @update_coupon.each do |doc| %>

<% if doc[“value”] == 2 %>


<%elsif doc[“value”] == 5 %>


<%elsif doc[“value”] == 6 %>




so how to integrate with this @update_coupon.select{|doc| doc[“value”] == 2}.each do |doc| …?

I don’t know if is the best solution but try a cast with to_i in doc[“value”].

doc[“value”] .to_i


@update_coupon = JSON.parse(get_updatecpn.body)


1, <% @update_coupon.each do |doc| %>

2, <% if doc[“value”] == 2 %>

3, <%end%>

Here the @update_coupon getting from controller,In the controller i got all the value from @update_coupon so i need to take the value from this**@update_coupon** in view. so when i am trying to take the value from the @update_coupon, it gives an error can’t convert string to integer in line 2

have any other way to do this view?

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Guilherme Pereira Dutra,

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  • Aziz M. Bookwala

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What are you trying to achieve with that, exactly? Looks like grouping to me, in which case you might do in your controller:

@update_coupon = @update_coupon.group_by(&:value)

basically with that if condition, i need to show different div,

<% @update_coupon.each do |doc| %>

<% if doc[“value”] == 2 %>


<%elsif doc[“value”] == 5 %>


<%elsif doc[“value”] == 6 %>




You need a "case" statement as a starting point:

Also, you could clean things a little by doing:

<% @update_coupon.select{|doc| doc[“value”] == 2}.each do |doc| %>

do stuff

<% end %>

Thanks all

i think the above one is working, but i am confused with other problem, here in my code

<% @update_coupon.each do |doc| %>

<% if doc[“value”] == 2 %>


<%elsif doc[“value”] == 5 %>


<%elsif doc[“value”] == 6 %>




You also want to be using a helper method here, maybe rendering a different partial depending on the value. When you start seeing this much logic in your view code, it’s probably wise to look at helpers and partials.

I would still iterate the elements that way, then you may extract the div construction to several partials or a helper receiving the key and value that deals with what to render on each case.

It may sound a bit complex, but this way you keep your views clean, which are 90% of the times the dirtiest part of an app by far, and future changes are faster to perform if you reuse that code somewhere else