Looking for partners for doing a project

Hello there,

I’m quite new is rails platform. I’m looking for some partners who’re quite knowledgeable about rails.This is a non-commercial project.The main objective is learning rails.Together we can build some awesome stuff and we can also exchange our knowledge .If you’re interested please email me adnan.ayon[at]gmail.com

Yasir Adnan


Like, we create a model name:string status:string. After migrating db,is “id” field automatically generate in table??

What has that got to do with the subject line of the thread? If you have a new question please start a new thread. (But as far as the question is concerned why not just try it and see? Don't answer, start a new thread if you still need to).


Sorry, my mistake.

Hello Yasir,

I’m sorry that I couldn’t contact you till now for doing the project together. As I’ve told you before I’m extremely busy

right now with a lot of stuff but I’m definitely willing to cooperate with you for doing this project. So if you wanna start

at a specific date let me know so maybe I can handle my stuff till then.

Again I apologize for the delay.

Best Regards

I got another rails buddy for doing project. Don’t worry, I will let you know. When I will start my project.


Yasir Adnan

I got another rails buddy for doing project. Don’t worry, I will let you know. When I will start my project.

Ok, that’s gonna be great, maybe I’ll join you if I can manage my time. I definitely like to participate, sounds good?

Best Regards

yeah, Sure :slight_smile: