Login form as a popup

These days I see login form as a popup everywhere. You can see an example here

http://eventful.com (click on ‘sign in’).

I have seen an example at "Prototype window’ http://prototype-window.xilinus.com/samples.html .

Is there any other example? How easy/tough it is to integrate into Rails application.

I looked at open source rails application to see to see this behavior but couldn’t find any app which allows login using a popup.

These days I see login form as a popup everywhere. You can see an
example here

http://eventful.com (click on 'sign in').

It's just some javascript to show an initially hidden div.

I have seen an example at "Prototype window' http://prototype- window.xilinus.com/samples.html .

Clever, because there are a bunch of stuff it handles (resizes,
moving etc...)

I have been looking in to doing this for the past couple of weeks. I have used many javascript libraries to do this. All have been successful, but with varying degrees of complexity. Some merge well with rails, others seem to purposely clash ;). Google around for Prototype Window Class, Lightbox Gone Wild, and the rails plugin RedBox.


Frederick Cheung wrote: