Listboxes in forms


I have a form with a set of fields. All these fields belong to a table called Textmaze. One of the form fields is a list box. This list box gets it's values from an existing table called Scenario in the database. On submission of the form, it should create a record in a table. Connection between these two tables looks like this:

class Textmaze < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :starting_scenario,         :class_name => "Scenario",         :foreign_key => "starting_scenario"

From your description, it seems the problem is in the form action

method inside your controller. By the way, yes, you should code the option value as <option value="<%= %>">. This will provide the key for doing a find on Scenario.

The error is saying you supplied a string, rather an instance of Scenario, probably as a parameter to something. I would check your code that deals with Scenario. If you get stuck post the code up here.
