legacy database, primary key compound with two fields

I am trying to define a model for a legacy database and the primary key is the combination of two fields, 'branchcode' and 'debtorno'

class Custbranch < ActiveRecord::Base

  set_table_name 'custbranch'   set_primary_key 'branchcode_branchno'


and I have tried...

  set_primary_key 'branchcode branchno'   set_primary_key 'branchcode, branchno'

but in the console, a simple find, always an error...


ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: Unknown column 'custbranch.branchcode_branchno' in 'where clause': SELECT * FROM `custbranch` WHERE (`custbranch`.`branchcode_branchno` = 'A365')

@branch = Custbranch.find("A365")

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: Unknown column 'custbranch.branchcode branchno' in 'where clause': SELECT * FROM `custbranch` WHERE (`custbranch`.`branchcode branchno` = 'A365')

@branch = Custbranch.find("A365")

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: Unknown column 'custbranch.branchcode, branchno' in 'where clause': SELECT * FROM `custbranch` WHERE (`custbranch`.`branchcode, branchno` = 'A365')

and the only way I seem to make it work is to use 'branchcode' as the primary key which is not indexed. I can use this for now but I am wondering if it is possible to set_primary_key on a legacy db model to use a compound index/primary key.


Craig White wrote:

I am trying to define a model for a legacy database and the primary key is the combination of two fields, 'branchcode' and 'debtorno'


If you can't add a surrogate key, try the composite_primary_keys plugin.
