Laser: Another Search Engine for Ruby

We are happy to announce Laser to the ruby community:

Laser is an open source project to help developers find relevant ruby gems.

Currently we have aggregated data from rubygems and github and use some initial tags. Search functionality by text and tags is implemented as are activity graphs.

Help with tagging and also the upcoming categories would be great. Also you are able to add gems that we have not included (currently only 4000 main/active ones)

Please try it out and give feedback via github or gitter webdev-camp/laser - Gitter.

The project will continue to be developed, so feedback and other contributions are welcome.

Laser has been developed by the first cohort of Web Dev Camp, our thanks go to them.

In the hope that this will prove useful and find adoption


Camp Director

Web Dev Camp is a live-in 8 week, rails based bootcamp, in Finland

Next course: 3rd. April , 25% discount.