jQueryUI autocomplete (Rails 3.1): can't get source as url to work


I’m able to duplicate everything in Ryan Bates’ screencast on jQueryUI autocomplete (#102), except for the piece that calls the server for completion data.

Here is my view html:

Now, this coffeescript works…


	source: ['foo', 'food', 'four']

…whereas, this coffeescript trying to tap the server…

$('#search-markets').autocomplete ->

	source: $('#search-markets').data('autocomplete-source')

…results in http POST calls to the root and not the data-autocomplete-source value of ‘/searches’.

Bates’s railscast uses a textfield in the context of a RESTful form, but I don’t expect this difference between his code and mine should explain my unexpected POST.

Any thoughts?



I’m able to duplicate everything in Ryan Bates’ screencast on jQueryUI autocomplete (#102), except for the piece that calls the server for completion data.

Here is my view html:

Now, this coffeescript works…


  source: ['foo', 'food', 'four']

…whereas, this coffeescript trying to tap the server…

$(‘#search-markets’).autocomplete →

  source: $('#search-markets').data('autocomplete-source')

…results in http POST calls to the root and not the data-autocomplete-source value of ‘/searches’.

There seems to be nothing wrong in your code. All I can think of that causes this is if another dom element

has an id of search-markets. Can you confirm that your view only has one dom with this id?

There seems to be nothing wrong in your code. All I can think of that causes this is if another dom element

has an id of search-markets. Can you confirm that your view only has one dom with this id?

Yes, I confirm. I modified the code to ensure no interference…

$('#search-markets').autocomplete ->

	source: "/searches"

For what it’s worth, the coffeescript compiles to this…

  $('#search-markets').autocomplete(function() {

return { source: “/searches” }; });

I see other approaches using more of the autocompletion settings, including callbacks, but I wonder why my simple attempt fails.


There seems to be nothing wrong in your code. All I can think of that causes this is if another dom element

has an id of search-markets. Can you confirm that your view only has one dom with this id?

Yes, I confirm. I modified the code to ensure no interference…

$(‘#search-markets’).autocomplete →

  source: "/searches"

For what it’s worth, the coffeescript compiles to this…

  $('#search-markets').autocomplete(function() {

return { source: “/searches” }; });

Ah it’s stupid of me not to see the difference. Remove → and it should work.

There seems to be nothing wrong in your code. All I can think of that causes this is if another dom element

has an id of search-markets. Can you confirm that your view only has one dom with this id?

Yes, I confirm. I modified the code to ensure no interference…

$('#search-markets').autocomplete ->
  source: "/searches"

For what it’s worth, the coffeescript compiles to this…

$(‘#search-markets’). autocomplete(function() { return { source: “/searches” }; });

Ah it’s stupid of me not to see the difference. Remove → and it should work.

No, doing that results in no network activity from the widget, at all – kills it.

This is what the code compiles to without ‘->’…


source: “/searches”


That looks better to me, but it’s not happening.


There seems to be nothing wrong in your code. All I can think of that causes this is if another dom element

has an id of search-markets. Can you confirm that your view only has one dom with this id?

Yes, I confirm. I modified the code to ensure no interference…

$('#search-markets').autocomplete ->
  source: "/searches"

For what it’s worth, the coffeescript compiles to this…

$(‘#search-markets’). autocomplete(function() { return { source: “/searches” }; });

Ah it’s stupid of me not to see the difference. Remove → and it should work.

No, doing that results in no network activity from the widget, at all – kills it.

This is what the code compiles to without ‘->’…


source: “/searches”


That looks better to me, but it’s not happening.

That’s the right js. You should paste here the code which handles requests to /searches.

This is what the code compiles to without ‘->’…


source: “/searches”


That looks better to me, but it’s not happening.

That’s the right js. You should paste here the code which handles requests to /searches.

Here’s a curl to confirm that the resource works…

curl ‘http://localhost:3000/searches?term=s

[“seom”,“some marker”,“some market”,“some market”,“some market”,“some market”,“some market”,“some market”,“some market”,…]

Could it be the response format? I don’t think so, I get positive results when I do something like this…


	source: (request, response) ->

		$.getJSON("/searches", { term: request }, (response) ->



		# $.each(result, (i, val) -> console.log("fuck: "+val)))

	select: (event, ui) ->

		window.location = ui.item.value



I’d just like to know why the simple form fails.

I guess I’ll drop this soon, as it feels idiosyncratic without broader interest.

Final call for any comments!


I’d just like to know why the simple form fails.

Turns out that a customized autocompletion file that I had included from vendor/assets/javascripts was superseding jquery-ui and, once removed, I got the expected behavior – so, this was completely one-off. Sorry not to have noticed it, sooner.
