Job recruitment system project - help

Hello All,

I would like to create job recruitment system project, and I am new to Rails but I have learned Ruby and I don't know it is easy to build this project via Rails or not.

Background Information and User Requirements: Basically the system needs to allow job recruiters to post jobs and job seekers to view the posted jobs via different search categories such as location, industry, etc. and to apply for those they think are appropriate.

Could you please help?

Yours, Waleed

That's a very vague question. Other than 'yes you could build this in rails' I don't know what sort of answer you were expecting.


Its very easy.

1. Install Rails    gem install rails --include-dependencies 2. Add ActiveScoffold PlugIn (    ./script/plugin install 3. Add RoleRequirement (Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting. rolerequirement/)    ./script/plugin install 4. Add TabNav/Widgets (ruby script/plugin install svn:// (Information:    ruby script/plugin install svn:// 5. Define your takes in a migration

6. Build your model files (3-4 lines each)

class MagBushing < ActiveRecord::Base end

7. Buld your controllers (for each table)    These look like this:

class Recruiterspace::RecruiterController < ApplicationController   layout 'tier2recruiter'   before_filter :login_required

active_scaffold :Recruiter do |config|   config.label = 'Recruiters'         config.actions = [:search, :show, :list, :create, :delete]   end end

8. Build your menus (using tabnav)

Should look something like this

<% render_tabnav :AppName,               :generate_css => true do

  add_tab do |t|     t.named 'AppName'     t.titled 'appname'     t.links_to :controller => '/appname'     end   if @current_user.has_role?('admin')    add_tab do |t|     t.named 'Admin'     t.titled 'admin'     t.links_to :controller => 'adminspace/admin'     end    end   if @current_user.has_role?('recruiter')     add_tab do |t|       t.named 'Recruiter'       t.titled 'Recruiter Home'       t.links_to :controller => 'recruiterspace/home'       end     end end %>

9. Add your relationships and tweak tabnav.

10. Add email confirmation, and notification.

Thank you very much Glennswest, But Could you please explain what you did?

I am new to rails, I will read about it.

Now I faced problem and I am working on it for the project in some topics such as System specifications,customer requiremnts,Use cases,UML diagrams and sequence diagrams, and functional specification.

Any advices, I am happy to lesson.