Jndi access issue when using threads in rails application deployed in websphere (WAS)

I need to deploy my application to Websphere (WAS) 6.1. Application uses threads for some back-groud work. When I deploy the war in WAS, I am getting the following error: [5/3/10 15:56:57:616 EDT] 0000008f SystemErr R JNDI data source unavailable: javax.naming.ConfigurationException: A JNDI operation on a "java:" name cannot be completed because the server runtime is not able to associate the operation's thread with any J2EE application component. This condition can occur when the JNDI client using the "java:" name is not executed on the thread of a server application request. Make sure that a J2EE application does not execute JNDI operations on "java:" names within static code blocks or in threads created by that J2EE application. Such code does not necessarily run on the thread of a server application request and therefore is not supported by JNDI operations on "java:" names.; trying straight JDBC [5/3/10 15:59:01:770 EDT] 0000008f SystemErr R Exception in thread "Thread-121" java.lang.NullPointerException [5/3/10 15:59:01:772 EDT] 0000008f SystemErr R at org.jruby.ext.openssl.impl.EVP.type(EVP.java:101) [5/3/10 15:59:01:772 EDT] 0000008f SystemErr R at org.jruby.ext.openssl.impl.PKCS7.signatureVerify(PKCS7.java:254) [5/3/10 15:59:01:772 EDT] 0000008f SystemErr R at org.jruby.ext.openssl.impl.PKCS7.verify(PKCS7.java:390) [5/3/10 15:59:01:773 EDT] 0000008f SystemErr R at org.jruby.ext.openssl.PKCS7.verify(PKCS7.java:486)

I understand the error (for a change it is very clear from the WAS error logs :slight_smile:

Looking for ideas to fix this issue.

Thanks, -Rakesh

rakmoh wrote:

I need to deploy my application to Websphere (WAS) 6.1. Application uses threads for some back-groud work. When I deploy the war in WAS, I am getting the following error:

You should post this to the JRuby forum instead. You'll probably get more help there.