
Hi. In my App i have Tabs like below

[Manage Contacts] [Roles] [users] [Contact Us]

<a href="#" id="d1" onclick= "tp_select();">Manage Accounts</a> <a href="#" id="d2" onclick= "tp_select();">Roles</a> <a href="#" id="d3">onclick= "tp_select();">Users</a> <a href="#" id="d4">onclick= "tp_select();">Contact Us</a>

[On click Event]if user clicks on Roles tab means the Style class "tp_select" has to be called for Roles tab. and if user clicks on Contact Us tab means the Style class "tp_select" has to be called for Contact Us tab. #-----i ve done java script function----# function tp_select() {     $('d1').addClassName('tp_select')


maybe like so?

<a href="#" id="d1" class='tab_link' onclick= "tp_select(this);">Manage Accounts</a> <a href="#" id="d2" class='tab_link' onclick= "tp_select(this);">Roles</a> <a href="#" id="d3" class='tab_link' onclick= "tp_select(this);">Users</a> <a href="#" id="d4" class='tab_link' onclick= "tp_select(this);">Contact Us</a>

function tp_select(a) {   // clear out the others   $$('.tab_link').each(function(el){     el.removeClassName('tp_select')   })   // add back in for this one   $('tp_select') }