Issues with Rails 3.0 installation from edge rails


Just spent some time setting up Rails 3.0 on my machine. With some help from wycats, I was able to get things going.

You're probably aware of this, but in order for railties/bin/rails to work, I had to run

ruby -rubygems rails-master/railties/bin/rails MasterApp

Without -rubygems, action_dispatch complained about not being able to locate 'rack', in actionpack/lib/action_dispatch.rb line 28.

Also, in order to bundle Rails 3 from edge, I couldn't just uncomment the line in Gemfile. I also needed to bundle arel and rack before it. I guess rack has changes that haven't made it up stream yet, and arel gem wasn't pushed to gemcutter?

gem 'rack', '1.0.1', :git => 'git://' gem 'arel', :git => 'git://' gem "rails", :git => "git://"

Anyway, once it bundled and run fine, the first thing I noticed was and error when clicking on "About your application’s environment".

ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "/rails/info/ properties" ... ...

I went into routes.rb, uncommented the last line (the catch all route), and it started working.

Other than that, no issues so far with scaffolding or adding objects via web interface.

Regards Kieran