issue loading RMagick

Using attachment_fu and 'Rmagick' as processor I have the following error

Problems loading RmagickProcessor: no such file to load -- RMagick

( the code is            begin             processor_mod = Technoweenie::AttachmentFu::Processors.const_get("#{attachment_options [:processor].to_s.classify}Processor")             include processor_mod unless included_modules.include? (processor_mod)           rescue Object, Exception             raise unless load_related_exception?($!)             logger.debug("Problems loading #{options[:processor]} Processor: #{$!}")           end )

while no error if I try the following from the console:

Loading development environment (Rails 2.2.2)


=> Technoweenie::AttachmentFu::Processors::RmagickProcessor

Anyone have an idead of the root cause of this problem?

Have you installed RMagick?


Yes, I installed the rmagick gem.

The strange thing is the from the console it works.

Any idea?

Try using mini_magick.. see if it helps.

Ramon Tayag