Is this safe?

I was surprised to see this redirect worked:

# FYI Project has_many Tasks, and Task belongs_to Project

# Task controller

  def destroy     @task = Task.find(params[:id])     @task.destroy     flash[:notice] = "Successfully destroyed task."     redirect_to @task.project   end

I assume that clean up doesn't happen until after destroy. Seems that 'project' should be cached before @task.destroy or is it actually safe to use this way? I'd think this might be one of those places where production might behave differently from development and test.

Rails 3.0.0.beta4 Ruby 1.8.7

Well, this is fine as long as you don't have the :dependent => :destroy option set on the task/project relationship.

You can destroy an object and still have access to it. You just can't modify it, etc... it's gone from the DB, but you're "@task" object is still an object.

If you call @task.frozen? it will return true which may/may-not be useful to you.


Thanks, Philip, for a thorough response. Of course you're right. I see your point with the dependent_destroy -- but task is the dependent in the relationship so I think I'm okay.