Is a bad practice to do this while testing with Rspec?

I'm testing the validation of emails so I did the following:

it 'should only allow domains names with numbers, letters, dots or dashes' do         (%-\\|!"#$\%&/()=?¡;,:{}+'<>°+*"¬~^@áéíóú´`_ -).each_char do


, :email => "zequez@gm#{c}").should_not be_valid         end       end

Also this:

['',        '',        '',        '',        '',        'zEzEqZ@CoM.Ar',        '',        'z@q.z',        '',        ''].each do |email|         it "should allow #{email} as a valid email" do , :email => email).should be_valid         end       end

And many similar things...

Is that bad?

I’m testing the validation of emails so I did the following:

it 'should only allow domains names with numbers, letters, dots or

dashes’ do

    (%-\\|!"#$\%&/()=?¡;,:{}+'<>°+*[]"¬~^@áéíóú´`_ -).each_char do

c>, :email =>

“zequez@gm#{c}”).should_not be_valid



Also this:










   ''].each do |email|

    it "should allow #{email} as a valid email" do, :email => email).should be_valid



And many similar things…

Is that bad?

In my book this is fine… you have a list of specific examples and it is clear what you are doing. I might go further and make sure that in fact it is the email which is valid/invalid vs just checking the model (at least in the case if you are checking what should be invalid data) as another field could be the invalid one.

I also like shoulda as you get helpers like:

it { should allow_value(‘’).for(:email) }

it { should_not allow_value(‘david nathan kahn at gmail dot com’).for(:email) }

David K. wrote in post #1018921:

On Sun, Aug 28, 2011 at 10:29 AM, Ezequiel Schwartzman <

In my book this is fine.... you have a list of specific examples and it is clear what you are doing. I might go further and make sure that in fact it is the email which is valid/invalid vs just checking the model (at least in the case if you are checking what should be invalid data) as another field could be the invalid one.

I also like shoulda as you get helpers like:

  it { should allow_value('').for(:email) }   it { should_not allow_value('david nathan kahn at gmail dot com').for(:email) }

Thanks! I'm looking into shoulda now, it seems very useful! ^^