Integrate Parse Cloud with Rails 4 App


I am working as Rails developer since last one year. I am new to Parse Cloud.

I want to implement Parse cloud by using its REST API through “parse-ruby-client” gem.

I have tried to implement with Rails App, but I am not having working app as simple Rails app, as there is no Model Ruby file is created & my code is also increased.

I have tried “parse-resource” and “parseModel” gems, which works same as “ActiveRecord” of Rails, but not able to implement it.

Can anyone please suggest me that should I use Parse as BaaS with Rails 4 app or any other good alternative?

If I use Parse, I am not able to use many of the useful gems of Rails which relay on Model.rb file.

I also found many of the things in Parse for Ruby is in development, also not able to find proper tutorial for ROR with Parse.

Please give your suggestions.

Thank you.

Hi Manish,

checkout this link, I think this is userful for you on basic level,