"-" instead of "_" in routes?

Hi all

I don't like "www.mysite.xx/some_cool_controller", I'd rather like to have "www.mysite.xx/some-cool-controller".

Is there an easy way to achieve this? :slight_smile:

Thanks Josh

I don't like "www.mysite.xx/some_cool_controller", I'd rather like to have "www.mysite.xx/some-cool-controller".

Is there an easy way to achieve this? :slight_smile:

There's not a magical plugin if that's what you mean. I looked into it once and you run into some problems with how Rails converts urls to class names.

Use named routes...

map.with_options :controller => 'refer_a_friend' do |r|    r.refer_a_friend 'refer-a-friend', :action => 'index'    r.send_referrals 'refer-a-friend/send-referrals', :action => 'send_referrals'    r.referrals_sent 'refer-a-friend/referrals-sent', :action => 'referrals_sent' end


Thanks, but that's clearly too ugly to me. :wink:

Maybe there should be a configuration option to specify the placeholder? :slight_smile: