Installing RVM Problems

How do I update my zsh if I am getting the error message, ” WARNING: In case of using Zsh, version 4.3.12 / 5.0.0+ is recommended, you have 4.3.11, errors to be expected.” when installing RVM? I am new to developing with Ruby and the Ruby community and am starting with Michael Hartl's Rails Tutorial.


Not a ruby or rvm or rails issue. Sounds like an system admin issue. I don't even know anyone that uses zsh, so can't recommend any sources of info, short of the usual apt-get update && apt-get install

apt-get are only for linux machines, and I am currently operating on a Mac OSX. And for oh_my_zsh one needs a zsh of 4.3.9, but mine is currently at 4.3.11. All I need is 4.3.12-5.0.0+ zsh in order to run RVM without errors, or at least thats what the prompt intimates.

zsh is available in source form from You need to follow the instructions there to download from a site appropriate for your location. It comes as a (b or g)zipped archive so you pull in the file, unpack it, and follow the instructions in the INSTALL file. The current version is 5.0.2.

apt-get are only for linux machines, and I am currently operating on a

Mac OSX. And for oh_my_zsh one needs a zsh of 4.3.9, but mine is

currently at 4.3.11. All I need is 4.3.12-5.0.0+ zsh in order to run RVM

without errors, or at least thats what the prompt intimates.

– Posted via

You can also install a binary from either MacPorts, Fink, or Homebrew.

This messages is intended only for Zsh users → “In case of using Zsh” - so if you do not use Zsh you can ignore it

I have also changed the message to explain it better: Comparing c26ce19312f3...0d581bccc6a3 · rvm/rvm · GitHub

I do not explicitly use zsh, but I also do not know if at any point, my terminal will need to do so. I googled the error message and another github link came up from you, Michal Papis: ZSH version detection broken (use user shell to check for zsh & version) · Issue #2029 · rvm/rvm · GitHub, where you commented that there is no way to tell if a user is using zsh. I tried to fix the problem following the instructions in that forum, with your link to the code under ea789c1, but the code was too long for me to copy/paste and I don't know how to use GitHub that well to get code from the website directly to my terminal.

I feel like I should just stop worrying about this and move on with the tutorial, but will I experience errors as my original message states?

homebrew will do the same sort of thing on a mac.

If you don't know what shell you are using, you should find out. There are a few ways to do this, of course. But the simplest in my mind is open Terminal, and type echo $SHELL at the command line. Unless it is zsh, ignore the warning and move on. If you decide at some point in the future that you do want to use zsh, hopefully you'll also be knowledgeable enough by that point to know why you do, and what sorts of things you might need to change.

My suspicion here is that you saw the warning from rvm, panicked, and thought you needed to do something. If you're just using the defaults the Mac comes with, you can safely ignore it.