Installing Ruby on Rails

Hi I am new to ruby on rails. I had tried to install ror through the RaislReady script but have been unsucessfull.

Ruby has been installed Checked .. ruby 1.9.2p180 (2011-02-18 revision 30909) [i686-linux]

But Rails does not seem to be working.

the server does not seems to be working...

when i say gem list i get the following message

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

minitest (1.6.0) rake (0.8.7) rdoc (2.5.8)

Can anyone please take me step by step through the process of installing Ruby on Rails installation.

Thanks F.Kabir

This guide will help.


Would you happen to be using Ubuntu? If so, this is a good set of instructions.

You could try my tutorial:

let us know if something’s working :wink: